Mike Rothman – Maturing Your Cloud Security

June 7, 2020


The discussion in security circles has evolved from “WTF is this cloud thing” and “DevOps is scary,” to trying to figure out how to harness the disruptive nature of these new capabilities to address multi-decade challenges. You know, small issues like actually doing security testing before deployment or making sure operational changes don’t create holes in your environment large enough to drive a truck through.

Securosis analyst and DisruptOps President Mike Rothman will use the Securosis/IANS Cloud Security Maturity Model to show you the road map to this new world. He’s break out the importance of laying the proper foundation, evolving traditional controls to work better in an agile, cloud-centric environment, and the processes that are necessary to scale securely. And there will be plenty of funny memes, since Mike has way too much time on his hands nowadays.

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Guest(s): Mike Rothman
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