Infrastructure as Code – Yes, It Applies to z/OS As Well!

February 12, 2020


Your organization is successfully transforming to DevOps but part of the environment seems to be slowing everything down. The back end mainframe systems continue to take longer to change, and have limited ability to innovate and experiment. What if you could use the same practices and even many of the same open source tools to apply the same dynamic environment practices to the mainframe?

This session will show how it is possible to use the same open source tools to build a pipeline for z/OS including dynamic provisioning of resources, isolated testing environments and production deployment.

Infrastructure as Code is a method to provision and manage IT infrastructure through the use of code, rather than through standard operating procedures and manual processes. Done correctly, it can help avoid cloud deployment inconsistencies, increase developer productivity and lower costs. Join us to see infrastructure as code practices applied to the mainframe environment and learn how the transformation is automated for speed and consistency.

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