How to Lead with Moveable Feast’s Jennifer Leggio

February 13, 2024

Jennifer Leggio, security leader extraordinaire, has launched her latest venture, Moveable Feast ( Right now, it is Jennifer’s vehicle to help organizations and individuals with her own expert advise and know-how. Whether it is go-to market strategy, sales or operational efficiencies, or self-help personal coaching, Jennifer has a lifetime of experience and success to help you with. Over time, Moveablefeast will grow to include some of the great teammates that Jennifer has cultivated during the years to bring best-in-class services in these areas.

In this interview, Jennifer talks about the passion that led her to found Moveablefeast and some of the life lessons and experiences that have shaped her unique journey to the pinnacle of the security industry helping to grow several iconic brands. However, it is a story of more than just business; Jennifer is truly a unique individual and her journey through life and security holds many lessons for all of us.

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Guest(s): Jennifer Leggio
Categories: Interviews
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