EP 247: Debugging Spinnaker Apps Live, Spinnaker Summit 2019

February 12, 2020


Spinnaker Summit 2019 Preview: Debugging production issues in any environment can be challenging, and Spinnaker has its production learning curve. Problems aren’t always replicable in a smaller environment, and DEBUG messages can be verbose and confusing to triage what’s happening.

Our DevOps Chat guest Chuck Lane, Salesforce Lead Software Engineer, is giving a talk on “Debugging & Profiling Spinnaker Applications Live” at the Spinnaker Summit 2019. In Chuck’s talk, you’ll learn skills like remote JVM debugging, custom profiling builds, and the magic of figuring out what’s going on with a multithreaded microservice using htop!

Chuck’s talk is on Saturday, November 16, at 3;40 PM PT. Spinnaker Summit 2019 is November 15-19 in San Deigo.

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Guest(s): Chuck Lane
Categories: DevOps Chats 2019
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