EP 117: Aruna Ravichandran, The Kitty Hawk Venture & Continuous Testing

February 12, 2020


There is a great new book coming out called the Kitty Hawk Venture. In the vein of Gene Kim’s The Phoenix Project, Kitty Hawk is also a novel, rather than your typical business text. It is the story of a fictional company in the airline industry, but is based on a true story. It is due out in July but you can pre-order on Amazon now: www.amazon.com/Kitty-Hawk-Ventur…ery/dp/1484236602

In this DevOps Chat we speak with one of the authors of the book, CA VP, Aruna Ravichandran about the book, about continuous testing and her passion for DevOps. This is Aruna’s 2nd book on DevOps, in addition to her many other activities. She is a dynamic personality and I think you will really enjoy this chat and the book!

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