EP 21: GitHub Enterprise as a Service with Jean Louis Vignaud of IBM

February 12, 2020


I had a chance to speak with Jean Louis Vignaud of IBM about the recently announced GitHib Enteprise as a Service on IBM BlueMix. This allows enterprises who want to use the very popular Git service but for whatever reason cannot use the public cloud community version. Organizations can now run their own “private label” GitHub Enterprise on their own premises.

You can find out more about this exciting new offering at:
1. Blog : Introducing the first-ever GitHub Enterprise as a hosted service: developer.ibm.com/bluemix/2016/06/…vice-on-bluemix/
2. Video : Benefits of GitHub Enterprise with IBM Bluemix Dedicated: www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxGTFZzZ7vU
3. SlideShare: IBM Bluemix Dedicated – GitHub Enterprise: www.slideshare.net/IBMDevOps/ibm-b…thub-enterprise

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