Whether disruption is due to competition or volatile market conditions, businesses can adapt much more quickly when they know their systems and infrastructure are both agile and secure. Social distancing measures have been an in important factor in minimizing virus transmission, but it has imposed abrupt and often, disruptive changes to how organizations operate. Companies have had to rapidly adapt by shifting to no-contact forms, while trying to maintain productivity and security with a majority of their workforce, including DevOps teams, remote for the first time. move employees and contractors to work from home, including DevOps teams. This has required both organizational and technical agility while remaining confident systems and data remain secure.
Join us on May 13th when Mitch Ashley, security technologist and CEO of Accelerated Strategies Group, will share the paths to determining the “new normal”. Mitch will also discuss the essential role security plays in what will continue to be a rapidly shifting business and economic landscape.