Ask and you shall receive: New Mainframe Resource for All – The Open Mainframe EP 15

October 24, 2022

Last month at Open Mainframe Summit, Open Mainframe Project announced the availability of a z15 Mainframe system dedicated for training next-generation talent and developing new open software technologies to further strengthen the integration of mainframe and cloud. Donated by Broadcom Mainframe Software Division, the z15 will be available for use by all Open Mainframe Projects and the open source community at large beginning in 2023. Broadcom’s donation provides a critical, new resource to foster greater collaboration and the development of new tool sets across the mainframe community.

Rick Perret (Broadcom), Yvette LaMar (IBM Z), and Reg Harbeck (IBM Z) join hosts Alan Shimel and John Mertic to discuss what this means to the Open Mainframe community, the education landscape, and the skills gap.

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