Last (wo)man standing: A Project Manager’s Guide to Taming the Chaos at SKILup Days 2024

September 11, 2024

In an era where digital transformation is reshaping industries at breakneck speed, project managers are often the unsung heroes tasked with navigating this dynamic landscape.

The volatility of digital transformations can often lead to critical moments where the direction of the entire project—and potentially the future of the organization—is at stake.

In these high-pressure scenarios, self-leadership emerges as the most crucial skill a project manager can possess, enabling them to stay centered, make informed decisions rapidly, and guide their teams with confidence.

“Last wo(man) standing: A Project Manager’s Guide to Taming the Chaos” is meticulously designed for those leading the charge in digital initiatives and aims to give practical tools and techniques to master self-leadership – especially when it comes to the challenging times in digital transformations.

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