Cybersecurity – Military Appreciation Month

May 3, 2021


Cybersecurity has long been a part of the job description for these former servicemen. This Military Appreciation Month we talked with J.C. Vega, Jason Passwaters, and Barett Darnell about how their military experiences and skillsets transferred into the world of cybersecurity.

J.C. Vega (CISO at Devo Technology) served 29 years in the military, working as an aviator before moving into IT where he gravitated towards cybersecurity. After retiring as a cyber officer, he continued his immersion in cybersecurity.

Jason Passwaters (Co-founder and COO of Intel 471) went from infantry to Counter Intelligence to Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM). His background set him up perfectly to move into Cyber Threat Intelligence and launch multiple successful startups.

Barrett Darnell (Managing Senior Operator at Bishop Fox) served for 12 years in the Air Force, first as a communicator in Special Operations before moving into offensive security with the cyber attack squadron.


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