Strategies for Performance Testing in the Cloud – DevOps Unbound Roundtable

June 10, 2024

DevOps teams work hard to fulfill customers’ demands and, at the end of the day, all that matters to the customer is the performance level of the product. Cloud performance testing can help identify and eliminate performance bottlenecks that might occur within an application before it’s deployed. Performance testing allows DevOps teams to check the speed, scalability and stability of apps to ensure that everything is working as planned under the designated workload. An effective cloud performance testing strategy can help identify and resolve issues in your application during the development process so you can deliver high-quality software faster. This panel will discuss the key benefits of performance testing in the cloud and what to consider when building a cloud performance testing strategy. Join experts from Tricentis to find out how cloud performance testing can ensure your apps are running smoothly and remain available during critical times.

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