DevSecOps-ing the Infrastructure | DevOps Connect: DevSecOps 2023

July 5, 2023

Much focus has been dedicated to integrating security within the application layer. In fact, DevOps is now DevSecOps to reflect this reality. But as Mark Andreessen famously said, “software eats everything,” and it’s now eating the (mostly) cloud infrastructure that runs those applications. That means our networks, containers, workloads, APIs, identity policies and pretty much everything else will be built and deployed by platform engineers using DevOps principles.

In this session, Techstrong Research GM Mike Rothman provides some perspective on the state of infrastructure security, highlighting the results from a recent survey of Techstrong Group’s audience. Attendees will learn the following:

– Why everything needs to run through the DevSecOps pipeline
– How to ensure platform engineering deploys secure infrastructure
– What the emerging cloud infrastructure toolchain looks like

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