The S-Curve and More – DevOps Experience 2024

December 5, 2024

There are three unstoppable forces driving the intelligence era:

– The acceleration of technology advancements in the digital economy, as evidenced by S-Curves
– The observation, known as Moore’s Law, that transistor density doubles roughly every two years, boosting computing power
– The availability of neural networks and AI/ML tools from a profusion of vendors that create, manage and save models has become commoditized

In this talk, Mark Callahan, CEO and Founder of Cloud Canaries, will explore each of the forces in the context of an observability use case and explain how you and your organization can benefit from the confluence of these forces and thrive in the intelligence era, using intelligent canaries to observe, govern, and repair your digital workloads.

Key learnings:

– Why Moore’s Law, combined with commoditized AI, will always win out over complex custom AI models.
– How the combination of aggressive innovation, Moore’s Law, and commoditized AI will drive dramatic cost reductions that will lower customers’ prices.
– Why the new ways to observe, identify and repair infrastructure? are completely different from the old technology.
– Why accessibility, low cost of quality, organized and large quantities of data is essential for commoditized AI.
– Why it’s more important to focus on the intent of a solution, over the requirements of the solution being replaced.

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